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What they mean to me....

The Meaning of Flowers are a common and beautiful way to convey feelings, though today we use their language in a more general way than in past eras. An easy and beautifully symbolic way to get your message across to your recipient, the following list of popular flowers defines what each color and variety represents.

Roses Red: love, passion, desire

Yellow: friendship, happiness

Coral: desire Peach: sincerity

Dark Pink: gratitude, appreciation
Pale Pink: grace, admiration

Orange: fascination, enthusiasm

White: innocence
Purple/Lilac: love at first sight
Tulips Red: irresistible love
Yellow: friendship

Purple: loyalty
Orange: warmth and happiness

Other Seasonal Flowers

Anemone: expectation

Baby's Breath: innocence, a pure heart

Calla Lilies: magnificent beauty

Daisies: gentleness and innocence

Gardenias: purity

Hyacinths: loveliness

Hydrangea: good cheer

Iris: warm affection

Lilies: majesty

Lily of the Valley: happiness

Orchids: rare beauty

Queen Anne's Lace: trust

Stephanotis: marital bliss

Violets: modesty and faithfulness


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