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Care & Handling - Lilies

Care Tips for Cut Flowers


1. Lilies tend to arrive in bud stage in order to protect the bloom and ensure a long lasting life. It is remarkable to watch them unfold with grace and beauty within the first few days after their arrival.
2. Cut 1 inch off the bottom of each stem with a sharp knife or floral scissors and remove any leaves that will come in contact with the water in the vase.
3. Fill the vase with tepid water and add 1 packet of flower food.
4. Be sure to keep your bouquet away from direct sunlight, drafty areas or high heat to insure a long life.
5. As lilies bloom it is important to pull the stamen out to keep the pollen from staining clothes. If the pollen does get on a material surface it is best to use tape to remove instead of rubbing it into the fabric.
6. To keep your bouquet fresh, re-cut the stems every few days and replace the water with fresh water.


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