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Love in Bloom: Ivy's Flower Station
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Kathy Kottaras Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day came only two weeks after my first date with Matthew, and, as young college students, we were both unsure about how to handle the holiday—to what extent we should declare our feelings, how to tiptoe around the "L" word. He chose a single, long-stem rose. I still have the flower, dried now, 14 years later.I don't care if Valentine's Day might be a corporate hoax designed to leech our hard-earned dollars. I love that it is a holiday whose sole purpose is to declare our love: our love for our husbands and wives, our children and friends, our love for each other, even if it's through exchanging simple gifts of beauty.Ivy's Flower Station offers such lovely creations. Each bouquet is a unique artistic creation, specially designed by Marianne the owner, and she will make a lovely bouquet for even the smallest of budgets.Marianne possesses a joyful kindness that is reflected in the shop, a converted gas station originally built in the 1930s. Marianne opened in Kenneth Village four years ago and made a concerted effort to retain the original details. Paint peels over red Chinese lanterns; a large wooden counter reminiscent of 1950s soda pop stands invites walkers-by to place orders; and goldfish swim in a square pond over the mechanic's pit, reflecting Marianne's sense of humor.Besides flowers, the store also offers handmade cards and gifts, and just the charm of the shop makes you want to spoil your loved one with such unique little tokens.Unfortunately, my husband doesn't play on the Internet as much as most of us do. If any of you reading this knows Matthew, tell him he can go to Ivy's Flower Station for Valentine's Day this year. Who knows? He might be getting a little something from there, too.


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